Havok Von Goedehaus IPO1, PSA1, CGC, PSA1 Regionals Vice Champ 2015
AKC DN29514506
Hip: OFA Good/PH0.26 L; 0.26 R; >90% – Elbows: OFA Normal
DNA: DM:Clear N/N
Havok von Goedehaus is a medium sized male at 82 lbs with stunning dark pigment. His lines are Czech working lines from the old border patrol program; he has many strong working dogs up close in his lineage you do not typically see in today’s pedigrees. Havok has a masculine head and sound conformation, and passes on good orthopedics to his offspring. He is a very aloof dog and has a naturally territorial nature when on our property but is also neutral and able to work and interact with people all day long should Kevin require it for work – he is a safe dog. He has eyes for his handler only, he does not want to be everyone’s best friend. His heart and loyalty lies with his family, and he sleeps every night in our daughter’s bed. He has an excellent “off switch” and makes a very good house dog as well as working partner. Havok thrives in defense and enjoyed Protection Sports Association the most; he is best paired with high prey drive females to produce a very balanced puppy in terms of drive. Havok’s pups have titled in multiple sports such as AKC obedience, PSA, IGP, and many are working K9s in search and rescue and human remains detection, as well as one dual purpose police K9. He also has produced several fantastic active family companion dogs and a therapy dog who visits hospice patients. We have been pleased with what he’s produced and kept back one of his daughters Anarchy (Haven) to continue his lines into our future breeding plans.

Click Here to view Havok’s Working-Dog Profile
Click Here to view Havok’s Pedigree Database Profile